We all experience muscle tension for a variety of reasons from time to timeĀ it’s an unfortunate part of being active and often in carrying out certain tasks or as part of our daily grinds, but for some people, muscle tension can get so intense and so prevalent that it can feel as though there are no obvious ways to combat such regular pain. While medication and pain relief will only do so much, there is a lot to be said for the power of massage, whether you’re an athlete, keen on exercise want to relieve yourself of tension or pain or are aiming to get yourself up and about more, a deep, regular massage may be exactly what you need to turn your back on muscle tension for good.
Muscle tension can occur in any of us if we over-exert ourselves or use our bodies improperly, poor form when lifting, twisting or undertaking exercise can all be blamed for some of the aches and pains that we experience. Massage can therefore be localised to the muscles and joints that are experiencing the most grief, meaning that a therapist will be able to work on relieving one area of your body at a time from pain that may be preventing you from enjoying some of your favourite activities.
Localised massage can help to warm up muscles and can promote healthy blood and oxygen flow to joints, ligaments and muscles alike, making them more relaxed and receptive to future exercise as well as relieving them from any existing trauma or pain by working out any tension or fluid build-up that may have collated. After exercising, it is always important to cool down and stretch so that your muscles can recover, however, this is not always as simple as it may sound, and many active people even forget or do not know how to warm up or cool down properly, which is, of course, where a massage can come in handy and can be of great benefit before and following high-intensity sport or exercise.
Full-body and localised massages work by kneading the areas of your body which need the tension release the most areas of your body which may have increased lactic acid build-up or where additional nutrients are needed are very much at the top of the list for any massage therapist, meaning that if you are experiencing such tension or pain after exercise or in your everyday life, you may well benefit from a hands-on approach to tension release.
Natural Touch Therapies have experience in massage and alternative therapies and will be happy to help relieve you of any stress, tension, pain or anxiety you may be suffering from. For more information on the massage services we offer, or to book in for a consultation, call us today on 01773 687349 or contact us via web form and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible. We look forward to helping you achieve a stress and tension-free future!